
5 Ways to Help Your Child Manage Emotions

5 Ways to Help Your Child Manage Emotions

Emotional health plays an important role in our children's lives. Being able to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions is an important skill that will help them cope with the challenges of everyday life. In this article, we will share five ways that can help your child manage their…
Why kids lie…

Why kids lie…

Let’s try to make a table of reasons why kids lie: out of fear, to increase their own status, out of politeness….. There are understandable things: a child did something wrong, got a D, wants to avoid punishment, and then lies. Or did something shameful – he hides. But…
5 Working Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep

5 Working Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep

It was the end of the long day and darkness set in. How to help child calm down, relax, and get ready for a good night's sleep? Sound and healthy sleep is an important part of the good health of baby and his or her parents. However, sometimes nap…
Learning Rainforest Animals

Learning Rainforest Animals

Explore the rainforest and meet its inhabitants. Sloth, jaguar, jungle birds, anaconda and other exotic animals coloring pages. Grab your pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, and crayons and make the jungle world even brighter!