Easy Origami Goose with red legs & beak instruction step by step

Origami Goose with red legs instruction

Easy Origami Goose with red legs instruction step 1

Easy Origami Goose with red legs instruction step 2

Easy Origami Goose with red legs step by step scheme:

Tip: Take a square, red on one side. The red side is inside.

  1. Repeat the dotted lines and expand the square. Then bend the corner away from you. Bend along the dotted lines.
  2. Bend the figure in half.
  3. Bend the figure by turning the corners.
  4. Lower the upper parts on both sides.
  5. Concave the sides.
  6. Concave the corner-tail. Make goose neck thinner by opening the “pockets”.
  7. Open and flatten the “pockets”-legs. Lift the tail-corner .
  8. Concave the corner-tail. Lift the corners on the paws, revealing the red paper. Make a fold .
  9. Concave the corner on the goose head. Bend the unnecessary parts away from you.

Super! You are great! Your Origami Goose with red legs & beak is ready and want to play! Share it with your friends and play together!

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