Easy Crane of Happiness Origami Instruction step by step

Crane of Happiness Origami
Crane of Happiness Origami Scheme

double square origami scheme

птица оригами схема

Crane of Happiness Origami

Easy Crane of Happiness Origami Instruction step 2

Easy Crane of Happiness Origami Instruction step 2

Easy Crane of Happiness Origami step by step scheme:

Repeat the simple steps by images 1-5.

  • 6. Bend the “blind” corner.
  • 7. Straighten the sides.
  • 8. Lift up the bottom part, grabbing one layer of paper and holding the “blind” corner.
  • 9. The sides should be in the center.
  • 10. Well done! Half of the crane is ready, we move on. Turn it .
  • 11. Bend the “blind” and side corners.
  • 12. Open the “pocket” by pulling the bottom part up.
  • 13. Done!
  • 14. Bend the lower sides to the middle. Repeat on the other side.
  • 15. Bend the lower corners, at the same time, one of the corners should rise higher than the other.
  • 16. Concave the corners .
  • 17. Concave corner-beak on the corner located above. Bend the crane’s wings.

In Japan, people believe that 1000 origami cranes bring happiness and good luck! ❤️

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